Reminiscing about past work again and dug this one up from my old UE4 days.
This was the interior of the Winnebago Brave model that is still in my portfolio and is based on concept art I did for a concept art class while in college. The idea behind this environment was a game I had thought of that was basically Grand Theft Auto meets Urban Fantasy/DnD. The RV was home to wizard who was a potion dealer ala Breaking Bad but with magic.
I did a fair bit of art exploring this space but the RV interior and exterior was the only things I made 3D models for.
The texture was OK, but, looking back, I see that the lighting for the environment was sub-par. It made me realize how hard it was to light the inside of a vehicle.
Untextured Version. looked better than the textured version for some reason.
Despite everything, I still love this little mushroom character.